The Agency for employment and self-employment is a public establishment with no administrative character endowed with the civil personality and with the administrative and financial autonomy. It was created by virtue of the law N 93-11 of 17/02/93 and is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment
Our missions
It has as a main mission the implementation of the policy of the government relative to the promotion of the employment and is notably in charge of :
Animating the job market, at national, regional, local and sectoral level through the network of offices of employment and self-employment
Developing the information on employment and professional qualifications in the direction of businesses and job seekers·
The implementation of the programs of promotion of employment and the integration of young people, the realization of which is entrusted to them by the regulatory authority
Bringing the support necessary for the promotion of small firms and self-employment
Ensuring the information and vocational guidance of the job-seekers with the aim of their integration in the active life
Organizing and conducting investment transactions of the tunisian workforce abroad
Facilitating the reintegration of the immigrant workers into the national economy after their final return
· Taking care of the workers dismissed for economic and technical reasons and of the public with specific needs
Our services address essentially :
To people looking for a job
To the carriers of projects trying to settle down in their own account
To companies trying to satisfy their needs in human resources